Thursday, June 5, 2008

Helper, Not Conscience

I really feel strongly about this issue and so to keep my regular blog from getting controversial, I am putting it here.
A lot of women feel strongly about this as well. They feel it is their duty to say when something is wrong or when their husband is not right about something.
I truly feel that it is best to sit back and watch instead of reacting quickly to something you disagree with. Truly. And, if I feel really strongly about it, I will take it to the Lord. Who better to tell my husband what to do or what to keep doing? God.
After all, he is the one who answers to God for his actions, not me. And, as the leader of our home, he is also the one who answers to God for my actions. And, if I'm nagging and nitpicking, he not only has to deal with me, but with God, as well.
I prefer to make his job easier.
Debi Pearl's book "Created To Be His Helpmeet" touches on this subject and she says it so well, that I am going to directly quote her.

You are created to be your husband's helper, not his conscience, not his vocation director, and certainly not his critic.

When you develop an adversarial relationship with your husband, you do so on the premise that you are right and he is wrong. You are also assuming that you have the duty to resist, confront, and challenge him. In thinking he is wrong and you are right, you declare yourself wiser than he, more spiritual, more discerning, more sacrificial, etc. All this adds up to the obvious conclusion that you have assumed the role of leadership, teacher, and judge. This is sinful and odious, and it displeases God greatly. No woman will ever have peace and joy until her mind is filled with goodwill toward her husband, and she is committed to becoming a good help meet for him. Is much of your life a reaction to real or perceived wrongs? Are you truly as wise as you think?

And, at the risk of over quoting and plagiarizing and all the copyright stuff, I'm not going to give the wisdom test she goes on to place in her book. Instead, I hope I've given you a taste of what this book is about. A good taste.

The wisdom test basically goes on to ask you what your excuses are for thinking you are wiser or smarter or right. And, it isn't up to you to decide. It's between God and your husband.

Your job as his wife is to help him. We are equals, but subordinate to our husband. And, when you question him, you are being insuboridinate. Sorry, but you are. There are ways to respectfully appeal and suggest. But, blatant disrespect is not permitted, ever.

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